Road to nowhere

Posted Feb 23, 2019

Scan from negative
Summer 2001

Around the year 2001, I drove down on a whim from Seat­tle to cen­tral Ore­gon — an area that would lat­er become known for cults and mili­ti­a­men, but at the time was most­ly just a blank space on the map to me. I want­ed to explore, take a few pho­tos, and find a place I remem­bered my grand­fa­ther once talk­ing about, called Steens Moun­tain.

At the end of the sec­ond day, bar­rel­ing down the back­side of that moun­tain toward my motel room and a show­er and a bed, a side road flashed into my periph­er­al vision and then was gone. Some­thing about it grabbed me; I slammed on my brakes and went back to snap this picture.

This remains a favorite pho­to and a favorite mem­o­ry — one of those times I ven­tured out on my own to nowhere in par­tic­u­lar, just to see what I could see.

Joshua Tree

Posted Feb 17, 2019

Joshua tree on the Barker Dam Trail, Joshua Tree National Park
Feb. 16, 2019

Joshua Tree National Park

Posted Feb 17, 2019


Joshua Tree has been on my to-vis­it list for years, and despite the crowds, it did not disappoint.

I arrived ear­ly, I thought, on a Sat­ur­day morn­ing in Feb­ru­ary. But when I pulled over the con­sult my map, I saw a near-con­stant parade of cars and trucks stream­ing in right behind me. So much for that.

Still, like most of the nation­al parks I’ve been to, there’s some­thing elec­tric in the air, crowds or no. It makes me think about what the earth must have looked and felt like just a few thou­sand years and sev­er­al bil­lion peo­ple ago.

The trees at Joshua Tree are cool, of course, but the rock for­ma­tions cre­at­ed a sense of place that I’ll nev­er for­get. I want­ed to see more and soak the place up, but by mid­day the park­ing lots were annoy­ing­ly full of mini­vans, and I end­ed up head­ing back to Palm Springs for nachos and a mar­gari­ta instead.

On my way back, the line of cars wait­ing to get in stretched on for more than a mis­er­able mile. 

I can’t wait to return some­day and explore Joshua Tree prop­er­ly — maybe on a Tues­day, or a Wednesday.

Saguaro National Park

Posted Jan 22, 2019



Posted Dec 01, 2018

This trip was a lit­tle bit bonkers. To start with, it was only $299 per per­son (plus a manda­to­ry $100 tip and the fee for a Chi­nese visa) for a ten-day Chi­na tour, includ­ing two inter­con­ti­nen­tal flights, two region­al flights, all our lodg­ing, and most meals. It was cheap­er to go on this trip than it would have been to stay home.

Six of us signed up, and we were matched with about 35 oth­er peo­ple from the same region, mak­ing ours a rather large group over­all. The itin­er­ary includ­ed sev­er­al days in Bei­jing before fly­ing south and vis­it­ing the cities of Suzhou, Wuxi and Hangzhou and then fin­ish­ing up in Shang­hai and fly­ing home.

How was this deal so ridicu­lous­ly cheap? We were told that these trips are sub­si­dized by the Chi­nese gov­ern­ment as a way to boost tra­di­tion­al indus­tries, and we did indeed vis­it many a fac­to­ry” (i.e. show­room), though no one was ever required to buy anything. 

We vis­it­ed a jade fac­to­ry,” a pearl fac­to­ry,” a cen­ter of Chi­nese med­i­cine (where a team of doc­tors descend­ed on us and with­in 90 sec­onds diag­nosed every­one with at least one ail­ment, cur­able with herbs con­ve­nient­ly avail­able for pur­chase on the spot), an actu­al­ly quite beau­ti­ful tea plan­ta­tion, and I know I’m for­get­ting a few others.

One per­son I’ll nev­er for­get, though, was Fiona,” the sup­posed daugh­ter of the own­er a jew­el­ry fac­to­ry out­side Shang­hai – she gave an Oscar-wor­thy per­for­mance in a pink poly­ester not-quite-Chanel suit and a per­fect school­girl bob, telling us how kind we all were, stam­mer­ing and pre­tend­ing not to speak much Eng­lish, and even­tu­al­ly whip­ping the group into an absolute face-claw­ing fren­zy when she said – damn it! – she would sell us a few spe­cial items at cost, whether her father became angry or not, because we were all so kind to her, with our big Amer­i­can hearts — not like those rude Chi­nese vis­i­tors who screamed at her and made her feel bad. 

But it was­n’t all shop­ping. The tour also took us to the Great Wall; to gor­geous tem­ples and gar­dens and parks and cas­tles; to the site of the 2008 Sum­mer Olympics; for a ride on the fastest high-speed train in the world; and down into the bow­els of a mas­sive under­ground mall burst­ing with knock offs of every kind and hun­dreds of tiny shops where you could choose and get mea­sured for a suit and have it made and deliv­ered to your hotel by check­out time the next morning. 

A sun­set cruise at Hangzhou bathed us in orange and pur­ple as glow­ing gold­en lights turned on in pago­das and tem­ples along the shore. A few days lat­er, a night­time boat ride on the Huang­pu, wind­ing through the cen­ter of Shang­hai, daz­zled us with the futur­is­tic, ever-mov­ing lights and col­ors of a scene from Blade Runner.

So many more mem­o­ries… Too many to list. This would have been an amaz­ing deal at many times the price. Fly­ing home, we felt a sense of grat­i­tude at hav­ing been lucky enough to have had this amaz­ing expe­ri­ence and adven­ture together.

Narada Falls

Posted Oct 13, 2018

Narada Falls, Mt. Rainier National Park


Posted Oct 06, 2018

Fall colors at Mt. Rainier

Sunrise at Mt. Rainier

Posted Sep 29, 2018

Looking south to the Cascade Mountains from Paradise, Mt. Rainier

Bridal Veil Falls

Posted Sep 09, 2018

Bridal Veil Falls, Washington
Sept. 7, 2018

A four mile hike near Stevens Pass in the Cas­cade Moun­tains leads to Bridal Veil Falls.

Fuji X‑T2, Fuji­non 10 – 24mm (10mm), 1 sec­ond, f22, ISO 200

Windmill Lights

Posted Aug 21, 2018

Windmills at night, near Goldendale, WA
Aug. 11, 2018

This is from my first attempt at astropho­tog­ra­phy and pho­tograph­ing the Milky Way.

Shot with Fuji X‑T2, Roki­non 12mm, 25 sec­onds at f2.0, ISO 3200.